art | activism | code

Teaching Web Development & Creative Coding

Open Source Resources for Teachers


Coding activities for beginner students in front end web development and Processing

I've been teaching web development and creative coding in a variety of contexts since 2015. This work has included paid teaching positions at betahaus Academy, Humboldt University and Leuphana University, as well as volunteer work at ReDI, a tech school for refugees, and local neighbourhood centres.

I've found it a challenge to source sufficient materials to give beginner students practical exercises to work with. I've developed a number of my own small projects that can be recreated in a classroom setting, and I've made them available via open source license to other teachers.

If you have questions or feedback about the materials, please reach out either via the GitHub repositories or the contact page on this website.

Creative Web

Introduction to some basic programming principles using HTML / CSS / JavaScript. The exercises include games, web elements such as sliders, and incorporating data from various API sources. The materials were developed for an evening course at ReDI and each lesson was for a two hour session. This material is publishing under the MIT license.

Basic Programming with JavaScript

The focus is learning basic programming principles such as variable assignment, control flow and logic using JavaScript. I usually teach this material as a whole day intensive with university students. This material is published under the GPL v3 license.

Processing Workshop

Materials for a three hour introduction to Processing workshop, largely based on Daniel Shiffman's Nature of Code.



2015 - ongoing


Materials Development


Various volunteer teachers at ReDI

Tools and Technology
